We’d like to introduce you to Lee Springer. Lee has been involved with OEW for a couple of years. He has recently undergone shoulder reconstruction surgery and we wish him well in the healing process.
What is your occupation? I’m a Laboratory administrator and professor.
How long have you been an OCA? I've been an OCA for about 2 yrs.
How did you get involved? I began following OEW after suffering a stroke in 2015 and wanting to complete an obstacle run as part of my recovery. I watched videos of the masked athlete team helping veterans and it served as fuel for my recovery. From there I became an OCA and got far more involved after applying for the INDOC process.
Most memorable moment? I try to involve my kids in any volunteer work I do. I hosted a fundraiser recently for OEW and it was amazing watching them interact with some of the veterans who showed up; they were telling people about the organization and how much it helps.
Why should people become OCAs for OEW? Becoming an OCA not only enables you to help make a difference in wounded veterans and law enforcement officers lives, it brings you into a family. OCAs around the US all share common experiences, values and goals.
What’s the next OEW event you’re planning on attending? I plan on attending the Tristate Spartan event in November.